Sunday, January 02, 2005

Forever Friends...

Life's journey brings me in contact with people from all walks of life. Through the years, as I grew and mixed with friends from schools, national service (army) and later, work places, I've learnt and felt the importance of friendship, especially good friends; friends whom you respect, friends whom you can confide in and share your deepest secrets, and friends you can keep for life.

Here's a toast to our friendship that is still going strong these years:
- Primary School Friends (Ama Keng Primary School)
- Secondary School Friends (Bukit Panjang Govt. High School)
- College Friends (Jurong Junior College)
- Army Friends (Stagmont Camp, 46 SAR, Signal Platoon)
- Ex-Altron Colleagues
- University Friends + Colleagues (National University of Singapore)

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